So, because I can't figure out how to arrange my pictures on blogger with my new computer (and I'm too tired to start over), you are going to hear our Thanksgiving story backwards :).
This is the look of a happy boy who spent ALL DAY playing football with his cousins.
This one played all day with cousins too, just not football. That's WAY too organized for him.
And this girl is just happy.
The fellas
Goofy dad, sweet great grandmother, and NaNa - my number one blog fan :)
Ok, so this was THE highlight of my Thanksgiving this year. The tshirts you see my ENTIRE family wearing are the shirts that we are selling to raise money for our adoption ( . One by one, people kept coming in and they ALL had on our shirts! What an overwhelming feeling of support! I can't wait to show this picture to Selah one day. It will be one more confirmation for her that she was loved and treasured before she was even born. That will be priceless. Thank you family for being the BEST family on earth. Thank you Sarah for your precious idea. Thank you mom for helping pull it off. And thank you Daniel and Sarah for your hard work to make it happen.
My mom and her mom, Ma.
Sophia and Sophia :)
Lunch at Logans on Friday. I still have trouble throwing peanuts on the floor.
Not a serious moment when these 3 are together
Sophia loving Thanksgiving dinner. This year mom and dad mixed it up a bit and we had beef tenderloin in lieu of turkey. Yipee. I hate turkey. It was a wonderful meal topped off with mom's first ever carrot cake. OH. MY. WORD. that was good carrot cake. Wish I had a piece right now!
Mom and Sophia watching the outside action from inside the warm house. It's cold in Tennessee ya'll.
Duane installing doorknobs. Doesn't everyone do that on Thanksgiving??
The lift was back. Clark Jr, aka my dad, borrows a lift from my bro in law to put up his Christmas lights. It's really quite amusing.
Yes, my son is up there. It happened before I could protest. Can you SEE how high that is??
Well, there you have it. Thanksgiving from finish to start. It seems like a futile exercise to even attempt to say what I gave thanks for this Thanksgiving. God has given me everything. Everything. So, I will just say that I am thankful for life. A full life. A redeemed life. A blessed life. Life in Him.
1 Corinthians 9:11
You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.
I have been made rich in every way. I want desperately for my response to that to be that I might become generous on every occasion. Generous with my time. Generous with my money. Generous with my love. It's so tempting on Thanksgiving to get really focused on how much I have to be thankful for. And I feel really good about my gratefulness. I pat myself on the back for not taking my blessings for granted. It's been a big wake up call for me this year to realize that God has not blessed me so that I can sit back and reflect on how blessed I am. He has blessed me so that I can generously bless others! And if I do that, my thanksgiving and gratefulness are multiplied. The result will be that more people will have more to be thankful for and God will be praised infinitely more than He would have been otherwise. So instead of being thankful, I'm gonna try to live thankful.
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