Friday, July 08, 2011


The month between our trips to Africa flew by in a whirlwind.   It didn't really hit me until we were on our way home from the first trip that I was going to be bringing a baby home soon!  When we returned I began preparing for our little girl to join our family.  Duane worked frantically on our house so that some things could happen while we were gone (like getting a roof - hooray!).  But even more exciting than all of that, we welcomed Kirill home!!!!!!!!

 I hope Kirill is ready to have these crazy peeps for neighbors!

 Sophia tried her first piece of gum on the way to the airport.  She swallowed it within 5 seconds.

 Amber and Lindsey were a little bit nervous about whether or not Kirill would like them.

 So happy to see daddy!

I can't think of anyone who inspires me more than these people.  Satan threw every fiery dart imaginable at them to keep this precious boy from having a family, but they did not fall.  They couldn't have done it for themselves.  They couldn't have even done it for Kirill.  They did it for Christ, and check out what Christ's love has already done for Kirill on Tesney's blog!

We also had a visit from Grandmom and Grandad just before we left for our trip.  The kids had a great time showing them around Tuscaloosa and hearing all of Grandad's exciting stories about hunting in Africa!

Up next..... ETHIOPIA!

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